Student Uniforms

McAuley Catholic College students are expected to show pride in the College by wearing the school uniform correctly. Wearing of a school uniform is important for several academic, social and safety reasons. Most importantly, wearing a school uniform promotes a sense of identity and respect for the school. Wearing a uniform encourages school spirit and a sense of belonging and pride. It removes competitiveness and class distinction in dress and lessens ‘financial’ barriers between students. In this regard, it can help to reduce incidences of bullying and peer pressure. Additionally, wearing a uniform creates a sense of orderliness throughout the school. It also models behaviour by helping students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform. For parents and caregivers, it cuts down on cost as well as providing protection against the harmful rays of the sun. Furthermore, a school uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically.

Uniform Expectations

The full College uniform as described in the Student Diary is to be worn to and from school and at all times during the school day.

All students are expected to:

  • Wear correct school uniform each day with pride.
  • Label all uniform items with the student name
  • Keep uniform items, including hats, free of graffiti or paint.
  • Wear Sports uniform on Thursdays and on days they have PE practical classes (noted by HALL on the timetable)
  • Wear correct uniform when representing the College eg special events, sporting events and excursions

McAuley Catholic College has introduced a new uniform in 2024. New students to the College are required to wear the new uniform. For current students 2024 (students in years 8, 9, 10 & 12) may wear the old uniform. The transition to the new uniform is 2 years (2026). Students in year 11 are to wear the new shirts. All students are welcome to purchase the new uniform items. Please see below for details

College Uniform - Boys

Old Uniform
2024 - Years 8, 9 10 & 12
New Uniform
2024 - Years 7 & 11, new students.
All students are welcome to wear this uniform


Junior – Blue (shirts may be worn as an out-shirt if shirt tail trimmed and hemmed)

Senior – White short-sleeve   (shirts may be worn as an out-shirt if shirt-tail trimmed and hemmed)

Junior – Blue with McAuley crest (shirts are worn out)

Senior – White short-sleeve with McAuley crest (shirts are worn out) 


Not required from 2024

Senior students may wear one for formal occasions

No longer required


College Grey Shorts

College Charcoal Grey Shorts with College crest



College Long Charcoal Grey Pants with College crest (Long pants are an optional item)


Grey or Black

Optional Grey or Black
(not available at uniform shop)


Junior – Long grey socks with MCC colour stripes 

Senior - Long White walk – pulled up

Junior and Senior – Grey ankle socks 


Black POLISHED leather lace-up with heel.  

Sandals, boots and canvas shoes are not permitted. (Sport shoes are only to be worn on Sport Days) 

Black POLISHED leather lace-up with heel. Sandals, boots and canvas shoes are not permitted. (Sport shoes are only to be worn on Sport Days) 


Maroon 'Gotcha' with McAuley crest,  

Para Sport Jacket with McAuley crest  

Maroon jumper with College crest and/or 

Softshell maroon jacket with College crest


Blue cap and/or maroon bucket hat. 

Navy cap and/or Navy bucket hat with College crest -  No longer available at the College office


See statement on Jewellery

Facial Hair

Boys must be clean shaven at all times


Old Uniform
2024 - Years 8, 9 10 & 12

New Uniform
2024 - Years 7 & 11, new students. 
All students are welcome to wear this uniform


Junior –  Honey Overblouse with Maroon piping 

Senior – White Overblouse with Maroon piping 

Junior – Blue with maroon piping with College crest

Senior – White short-sleeve with maroon piping with College Crest


Junior –  striped Maroon / Royal Blue / White

Senior – plain Maroon with monogram

No Tie


'Crestalene'  Garnet, knee length (Maroon bike pants may be worn under the skirt)

Maroon knee length College skirt with College Crest (Maroon bike pants may be worn under the skirt)


Students may wear the new College shorts

Maroon College dress shorts with College crest


Students may wear the new College Charcoal  Pants 

Optional item - College Long Charcoal Grey Pants with College Crest


White ankle

White ankle


Beige or maroon (Optional)

Beige or maroon (Optional)


Black POLISHED leather lace-up with heel. Sandals, boots and canvas shoes are not permitted. (Sport shoes are only to be worn on Sport Days) 

Black POLISHED leather lace-up with heel. Sandals, boots and canvas shoes are not permitted. (Sport shoes are only to be worn on Sport Days) 


Maroon 'Gotcha' with McAuley crest,  

Para Sport Jacket with McAuley crest  

Maroon jumper with College crest and/or 

Softshell maroon jacket with College crest


Blue cap and/or maroon bucket hat. 

  Navy cap and/or bucket hat. 


See statement on Jewellery

See statement on Jewellery


Hair is to be well groomed and tidy. Long hair over the collar must be tied back. Extremes of hairstyle, including extremes of colours are not permitted. 

Sport / PE Uniform - Unisex

If students do not have their correct sport uniform they are to wear normal uniform with a note of explanation and change into their sport clothing.

Old Uniform
2024 - Years 8, 9 10 & 12

New Uniform
2024 - Years 7 & 11, new students. 
All students are welcome to wear this uniform


White College Sports polo with  monogram

Blue & Maroon College Sports polo with College Crest


Maroon Shorts

Maroon Shorts with MCC logo


White ankle

White ankle


Sport joggers. Canvas shoes are NOT permitted

Sport joggers, NOT canvas


Maroon (Optional - Sport Days Only)

Maroon with MCC logo 

 (Optional - Sport Days Only)


Maroon 'Gotcha' with monogram,  Para Sport Jacket  or  Maroon Woollen College-Style  Jumper 

Maroon jumper with College Crest, 

 Softshell maroon jacket with College Crest


Blue cap and/or maroon bucket hat. 

Navy cap and/or bucket hat. 


One piece swimming costumes are to worn during sport lessons, swimming carnivals and activity days where swimming is an option.


Boardshorts or knee length skins are to be worn during sport lessons, swimming carnivals and activity days where swimming is an option.

School Shoes

Please take note of the attached diagram regarding the correct College school shoes. The shoes McAuley Catholic College students are required to wear need to be ‘school style’, that is black leather polishable, low-cut, lace-up shoes with a distinguishable heel on the shoe (not too big). The diagram outlines acceptable and unacceptable footwear.

Correct / Acceptable

  • Black, polishable, lace-up
  • School style (has a heel)
  • Low-cut and covered

Incorrect / Unacceptable *Do not purchase these*

  • Flat-soled
  • Open upper (Mary-Jane style)
  • ‘Skate’ style, non-polishable


Purchasing Uniforms

The McAuley Catholic College Uniform Shop (proudly managed by P&C Uniforms) will be located at the end of the College Carpark. Orders can be made on their online portal. Students with the existing uniform can wear the existing or new uniform up until December 2025. As of January 2026 the new uniform is compulsory for all students.

Shop Location.png

Visit our Uniform Shop Online at (or Click Here)

Operating Hours (Updated 2024 Term 2)

Tuesday - 8:15 AM to 9:30 AM

Thursday 2:30 PM to 3:45 PM

Size Guide

All measurements for the new uniform are available on the Online Uniform Shop website. Click the link to view How to Measure before ordering or watch the step-by-step Youtube Video HERE

Futher Information on Uniforms


Students are to bring a note signed by parent / guardian to school explaining the uniform issue. The note is countersigned by the HR teacher or Year Co-ordinator or Assistant Principal. This note is then presented to the office where the uniform pass is noted in Compass for teachers to see. If the student is wearing a non uniform item that is deemed unacceptable an alternative item of clothing will be offered to the student or parents will be contacted to rectify the situation.

Students in incorrect uniform without an explanation from parents / carers will be placed on uniform detention.


Students are to wear their full school uniform with a signed explanatory note and change into appropriate alternative sports gear before sport / PE. If the student is wearing a non uniform item that is deemed unacceptable an alternative item of clothing will be offered to the student or parents will be contacted to rectify the situation.


All students representing the College are expected to be dressed in correct school uniform as directed on information notes that are sent home before any event. Students representing the College in sporting events are to leave the College in full sport uniform. If students cannot abide by this expectation they will be withdrawn from the representative group. 


Students may wear their sports uniform on days they have a scheduled practical PDHPE/PASS lesson. Students will be advised at the beginning of the year by their class teachers when their practical lessons will be.

All students are the wear full school uniform every Wednesday and on days they do not have a timetabled practical lesson.

Information from 2023 

  1. PE & PASS students can wear their sports uniform when they have a practical lesson - as indicated on their timetable as HALL. 
  2. Wednesday is a formal uniform day for all students.
  3. Drama students are to change into their PE uniform (or shorts etc). This will be in the P1 Toilets and change room. 
  4. SLR students are to change into their PE uniform. This will be in the Hall toilets & change room.
  5. GEM students are to change into their PE uniform. (Some of these students may require a uniform pass as discussed with  Sophie/Tahnee). Change will be in the Hall toilets & change room
  6. Students training on a day that they don't have PE or PASS prac, change into their sports uniform
  7.  Senior students are to wear their formal uniform every day except Thursday.
  8. Year 10 and seniors who have a Yr 10 shirt can wear them on sports day only.
  9.  Practical subjects - Tech, Science, VET: When PE/PASS/etc prac falls on the same day as Tech, Science, VET Prac:  Students are to bring their appropriate footwear and or clothing (eg boots) OR they can wear their formal uniform for practical work and change into sport uniform


The College has a Sun-Protection Policy in which the dangers of exposure to the sun and the requirements of the school are pointed out. Students should wear hats or caps at all times when they are exposed to the sun. These can be purchased from the McAuley Catholic College Uniform Shop (proudly managed by P&C Uniforms) or via the online website. There are 2 types to select from: navy cap and navy bucket hat.  

Graffitied and modified hats are not permitted and will be deemed as incorrect uniform, in which case students will need to purchase a new replacement hat.


For both boys and girls, hair is to be well groomed and tidy. Long hair over the collar must be tied back. Ribbons and other hair ties are to be in school colours. Extremes of hairstyle, including extremes of colours, are not permitted. Boys must be clean-shaven.

Mullets, mullets with shaved sides, undercuts, steps, cuts less than a number two, streaks, noticeable dyes and gel or styling products are examples of haircuts that do not meet the requirements of the College policy. 


Make-up is not to be worn and fingernails are not to have coloured nail polish.


Because of uniform requirements and safety factors and to guard against breakage or loss, the wearing of jewellery is restricted. Students may wear a wristwatch, a single neck chain, one simple ring and one bangle. Students may wear a maximum of two sleepers or studs in each ear. These are to be small, plain earrings. 

Not permitted: Neckbands, as well as wrist and ankle-chains and ankle-bands, leather jewellery, visible facial piercings (such as nose, eyebrow, tongue, lip).  Only clear nose spacers are permitted  

Students may be asked to stay home until uniform issues are rectified. 

Excess jewellery will be confiscated by staff and returned at the discretion of the Assistant Principal or Pastoral Care Coordinator. All care will be taken, but no responsibility accepted. 


  • If a student has a tattoo, it is to be covered or not visible when in school uniform (this includes sports uniform)
  • Offensive tattoos and tattoos on the face, neck or ears are not acceptable under any circumstances.


Students who wear the incorrect uniform and do not have a uniform pass will attend lunch detention.  The following list outlines the action for repeat offenders or students that don’t turn up: 

1st Offence 

Detention 20 minutes 

3 notifications / warnings - 
1st Official warning 

Stage 1, Interview with Year Coordinator, Letter home, Uniform,  Monitoring, Detention

Ongoing uniform issues, non-compliance, No shows at detention: 

2nd Official Warning

Stage 2, Parent Contact, Uniform Monitoring, Interview with  Year Coordinator, Withdrawal of Privileges  

3rd Official Warning

Stage 3, Parent Contact, Uniform Monitoring, After school Detention,  Interview with Assistant Principal, Withdrawal of Privileges 

4th Official Warning

Stage 4, Suspension, Interview with Principal regarding enrolment  at school, Uniform Monitoring 

We ask all students to follow these procedures outlined above and urge parents to ensure their child adheres to College policy. As our policy states, students may be asked to stay home until uniform issues are rectified.

We do realise that we need to take into account the diversity of our students and within our policy we have a clause for individual circumstances. For example, this may apply to religious or cultural beliefs, traditions and customs.

Any student wishing to seek a modification to our College Uniform Policy will need to apply in writing to the Principal. The Principal will then interview the student and a decision will be made regarding modification.